This table is a guide for our pricing, but if you require something specific, please use the form below to contact us.
Note that our prices exclude VAT, which will need to be applied from 1.1.2024. This table is a guide for our pricing, however if you require something specific, please use the form below to contact us.
To illustrate affordability; typical price/month are shown (12 month contract) for a single-handed medical practice compromising one medical practitioner and one assistant. For larger practices different tariffs are applicable, dependent on the number of practitioners and staff.
* MedicalSpace Electronic Management system (EDMS): separate to a conventional EPR, an EDMS is a 'military grade' cloud sharing platform where results and letters can be archived and shared. Also for referral triage, reporting workflow, EMO's and RoHCs.
**MMS Lite is a data collection app that each Doctor can use to get patients to submit their own health metrics instead of by email. This is more secure and brings the data into their own secure record automatically saving time for everyone.
***EMO is an App we design for medical institutions using our silver plan that allows a visiting consultant and/or their PA to arrange tests remotely using a smartphone or desktop, without using a paper request form. Additionally, for each consultant bronze plan user, a personalised EMO form is designed around historical test activity, ensuring that each form is a good fit for the consultant's practice. The progress and results of all tests ordered are uploaded directly into the consultant's EMO folder, which resides within the practice EDMS and can thus be easily searched.
**** RoHC is 'record of healthcare' form that facilitates a simple note taking and outcome record from a consultation. MS technology generates immediate medical reports from the RoHC using AI integrations.
+ Medication Rx is a standalone App under beta testing due for launch in Sept 2023. It is used to both manage drug safety and issue a private prescription, typically in under a minute. It includes a drug interaction feed. When used with our Gold plan, Medication Rx populates and then updates the list of usual medication and drug intolerances held on the EPR and is then used to issue a private prescription that can either be printed/ ‘wet’ signed and can either be passed to the patient instantly, or submitted via our API to an online pharmacy. The prescription can then be dispensed at the patient’s local pharmacy or via next day delivery.